Friday, April 13, 2007

Never underestimate the power of a cookie

A call to action from Greenpeace.

"Last year alone, well over 1000 whales died for profit....In May of this year, the International Whaling Commission will meet on U.S. soil, to discuss the fate of the whales...What better way to sweeten up the Bush Administration than a weekend of Bake Sales to Save the Whales?"

That's right. A nationwide bakesale is scheduled for the weekend of April 28-29. From cookie cutters to a list of open kitchens, Greenpeace has organized all the tools you'll need to get involved. So, make your own or buy cookies here!

Thanks to worsted witch for bringing this to our attention.



Anonymous said...

If you switch two letters and take away one letter in "Bake Sales to Save the Whales" it becomes the exact opposite thing:
"Bake Whales to Save the Sales"...

owlhouse said...

Nice, ironic twist Gabriel.
I might just like to see a world where "sales" go extinct. And not because I want to pay full price for everything!

Anonymous said...

So... Ridiculously... CUTE!

Anonymous said...

Ukiah--who the whales?
Nora--i concur.