Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Feels a lot like home

Except when the wind kicks up, the sky changes color and the scent of dew hangs in the afternoon air, we've can't expect any actual rain to follow. Weather differences aside, we've settled in quite nicely.

This week in Tucson...

-Dinner with new friends who gave us a tour of their incredible gardens and lessons on many specimens in their mineral collection.

-Hand tossed pizza and margarita night.

-A fantastic student production of The Good Doctor, a Neil Simon adaptation of Chekhov shorts.

-Time with the cats- walking Mochi, wondering if Diane will strike and relaxing with Sid.

- Chicago jazz at a local club.

-A couple games at Spunky Shooters, the resident dining room/pool hall here in the.

-The continuation of the stairwell project- testing colors and aiming to paint poorly hung drywall.

-A walk to Trader Joe's. With the van back in the shop awaiting fuel-pump transplant, Ukiah and I went as much for root beer as to get out of the house. The thing is, once you're at Trader Joe's, you realize that you might also need some gnocchi, frozen blueberries, kalamata olives and sparkling water. Sure seemed like home when we ran into a neighbor who offered to drive us and our two bags of snack food- home.

If it were time to retire, we'd stay for a round of musical-houses that seems to come up here in the community. For now, we're just enjoying spring in Arizona.

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